Thursday, December 5, 2013


I woke up!
Nite.. for awhile?

Pirates of the Caribbean 5 Plot


"But talking ghosts, witches, and a whip smart girl who puts Jack Sparrow to task?"

It has a wedding!  What if they got a really young girl?   To which character?


may or may not post

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New Videos

New Videos of Me Fighting Jack Sparrow

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Ahhh! Question por favor

Who really loves Johnny Depp?


I was so stupid and upset.


I want to be a villain in Pirates of the Caribbean.  I want to fight Jack Sparrow-  Yes, a good villain..

You know what happened today?

I was waiting for the Disney auditions, and the people were all in my face, clearly a younger generation, correcting me with their every move!

We'll find out

what was at stake with all the attacks on me that got me to repeat some things in my mind, why I think it's okay and right and why I don't like to do it.
My mom is shitting at me.

Just let her be.

She's wrong.

Wish Not Granted

I don't wish to hurt anyone.  I didn't.  You did!


Ellen can't control her temper and frequently enters the home for INSULTS.


I don't give a fuck @ you cornering me with Ellen DeGeneres's pretend mom.  LEAVE ME BE.  GO **R* YOURSELF INSTEAD!  This has gone too far!  You won't stop being nasty.  I can pretend what I like in private, I wasn't talking to you and don't care to hurt anyone..


I wake up every day to being annoyed by someone just for sport.  Who's in charge, no one?  You all make fun of me for what I don't know.

Stop acting like there's a reason.  My parents provide a shitty home life.  Does that make you wanna be mean to me, that I said it?  I can't go out by myself wherever and whenever I want.  I can't do anything I like.  I don't get to use a whole lotta money, which in some ways is okay.  My parents started holding grudges.

I think partially

I was just worried Ellen is starting to round in on me.  She's so scattered in her relayed thoughts, and people tell me I'm schizo..


would I listen to someone else?

I wasn't mad.

I just found Ellen gets mad.


Ellen is so negative.  I am a good person.  You can't tell me anything bad and everyone else feel good for being younger than me.


I thought I'd be famous by now.

You know what's been done to me??

My mom made me bloated, and my dad gave me a double chin, kept happening as I tried to raise it.

I mean come on..

..I came home to read this.  She has a silly secret grudge on me.  She makes up berserk rules to remember that make no sense and are no fun.


Why would you chose to hurt me, or did the trash man do this 1 on his own?  Was it just the Jesus sign?  So what, if you were mean, I wouldn't accept it from anyone.

I'm sorry to say..

Ellen is racist.. and she participates in stupid messages.  I'm not sure what ticked, but I think the messages are a waste of my time.  I didn't hurt anyone, I just didn't care.

O Wow

The New Orleans zoo is against me.  Stop listening to Ellen, everyone.  She is being mean to me.  That is so nonsensical.



You said what you said and did what you did.  So I didn't talk back to you!  I'm just replying to your HATE and NEGATIVITY ALL THE TIME.

I'm quite certain of what you're doing and what you just said.  STOP IT.  Explain to me your problem.  I am not a nigger!


Everyone, Ellen isn't nice to the nicest person in the class, me!


She just keeps posting shit for me.  You're older, so why don't you grow up, 1st!  No one cares @ your teen children.  Some of us have parents that aren't so old they are from the stone age.  You wanna give everything to the teens today and keep being shitty to me.  Who gives a fuck if I don't watch your show?  You were mean to me for not following you on Twitter all summer a year and a half ago.  The truth is I like your show and I like you, but in the end you always succumb to treating me poorly when you pay attention to me .. like just now.  I saw someone write Jesus in the sky and an annoying coloured guy treating me like a nigger doing the trash awhile and made me feel as though I felt bad.. and I began to think @ it.


Ellen is messing around associating negativity with me wanting to be in a movie.
Mobile Blog


Why is Ellen so negative?  Maybe she has no double meaning.  I'm not gonna sit here and unwrap chocolate bars.  Sometimes, with what she has, she has to be incredibly highty-tighty.  I don't want to use a bad word.

I didn't say..

..I didn't like Ellen.


I don't like being approached slowly like I'm guilty racially.

What Doesn't Work

Ellen can't emulate someone from up north anymore than I can someone from down south cuz I also am from New Orleans.  I lived in the area, went there, and finally lived there in school and that tips it off sometimes for me.

What doesn't work with anyone is getting mad at me when I'm good all the time.

More New Orleanian

I noticed a lot of posts from Britney Spears, and she seems pretty sweet but a bit condescending for no reason.. like to younger fans.  I wonder if she thinks Ellen is more New Orleanian.

I wonder why Ellen gets mad at me if I wanna have self-esteem.  You're not supposed to do what Ellen hints we should do, instead.  It's just her way of saying bye to some, wonder if she ever was nice.  I still like talking about her.  I just notice what's behind certain messages.  Like, I specifically mean her being mean to me for the incident with Nell Burton.  I am mad at everyone, not especially anyone.  Did you notice I'm still pretty powerful?  I just don't use my sting.
Pro Blog
Pro Blog

Just Bought This


Mobile Soon

may or may not post

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Pro Blog

I just got

the Willy Wonka end song, the very end.
Mom Carrying Baby, er, Daughter
Pro Blog


Why did Bella Thorne Retweet a black Asian-looking guy?  She doesn't seem to be as forceful as me about being white.  I know it's her bud, but I mean really, what's her problem?  She's from Fort Lauderdale, is that it?  She does mean suggestive things.  I talk about my life.  I do wanna be famous, too.

Amanda is the 1 who started bringing it up.  I bet Bella doesn't like that cuz her dad is Hispanic.

TV Show

Ellen could have a show on the internet and invite choice actors.

TV Show

The Chinese-Burmese on The Talk is very beautiful.. Is she in the World News, too?  I thought that was Washington.  Wow!  She is a more recent Chinese and considered Chinese.  I'm considered a nigger if I think I'm Indonesian, but with the white side I could learn other things, too..

I get upset for myself

for thinking of things I take back.


I'm tired of Asians and half or part Asians acting like my life was too privileged.

More Messages

My dad's chair always faces another way and now he faced it at another slight angle at me.  I need to disown my dad's shitty ways, as I have, but no one wants me to..  How shitty.  He did something else earlier, too, which made me very mad.  Once, he chopped his hands for no reason on the car and my hands didn't feel as pretty.