Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What's to happen to me?

So, who made me mad @ Ellen's mom in pretend?  I haven't seen much of her lately, but she doesn't bother me.  You could make other people mad.  It's too bad she also isn't online.  She just took get well soon notes on Twitter over a year ago.  My Gramma just moved down south and is only 2 years older..?  She's in Florida, not the beach, with an aunt.  I wish she'd stay up north, but it seems things aren't well.  Like, in some ways she likes being here like when it's really cold.  She used to but now has a trailer.

I'm watching the show now and for some reason Ellen has a bragging affection for silly animals.  Well, I guess that's why it's on the show and online for her.

I do not at all get acting silly without settling my thoughts, too.  It doesn't seem right.  I don't know what you are accomplishing it.

I'm having health food and brush my teeth so I don't have cancer nor cavities.